Specialist Endodontic Centre, 20 Goldsmith Avenue Portsmouth Hampshire PO4 8QT phone: 02392 754333 email info@specialistendocentre.co.uk
Website address www.specialistendocentre.co.uk.
Some information will be withheld, including personal, confidential information about individuals which is protected by the Data Protection Act.
Our services will be outlined here in terms of explaining the range of services that we provide ourselves or together with other agencies which we will specify.
Monday 8:30a.m. – 5p.m.
Out of hours cover/emergency arrangement
Emergency Care: The extended opening hours of enables emergency care to our patients with a genuine dental emergency.
In the event that we may not be able to see a patient with an out of hour’s emergency, we have arrangements to signpost back to the patient’s General Dental Practitioner.
Details of access to the premises
The practice is situated over three floors, there is easy access parking available for all patients. Ground floor access and 1st floor surgery suitable for most users.
The languages we speak and the availability of interpreters
English is spoken. Interpreter services can be made available.
Clinical interests of dentists
Specialist Endodontic Centre provides diagnostic, endodontic and surgical dental procedures for adults and children.
Information about infection control procedures
It is the policy of the practice to adopt standards of good practice in all aspects of infection control. Instruments are autoclaved or are disposable. Personal Protective Equipment is routinely worn and single use. Staff receive regular update training in procedures.3. Complaints
Caring For You
It is the aim of this practice to give you the best possible care and service. With this in mind there is an informal, confidential, in-house procedure to deal with any problems or concerns that you might have. If you require further details, please ask at reception for our code of practice for dealing with complaints.
Any problem should be raised with Sarah McCloud the practice manager or any team member, by telephone 023 92754333 or should you prefer to send in writing to the Practice Manager at Specialist Endodontic Centre or email info@specialistendocentre.co.uk
4. Regular Publications and Information for the Publi
Here will be published information (including policies such as confidentiality, consent and data protection and information leaflets etc) relating to the clinical services that we provide for patients and the public, and our regular publications.
Some of this information is of a personal and confidential nature and will be excluded as will any other confidential material. Material relating to the health and safety of specific individuals, as to law enforcement or criminal or regulatory enforcement or audit issues may also be excluded from publication. There may be circumstances where material cannot be released because the appropriate officer designated for these purposes under the Act has taken the view that it may be prejudicial to the conduct of public affairs.
5. This Publication Scheme
In this class we will publish any changes we make to this Publication Scheme, the criteria on which our information management policies are made and a referral point for all enquiries regarding information management generally in the Dental Practice. We will also publish any proposed changes or additions to publications already available.
Under Section 19 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (there is a link to the Act in Part Three below), each Dental Practice has a legal duty to adopt and maintain a Publication Scheme for the publication of the information held. The purpose of the Act is to promote greater openness by public authorities which includes Dental Practitioners. From 2005 it will also oblige the Dental Practice to respond to requests about the information which it holds and is recorded in any form and it will create a right of access to that information. These rights are subject to some exemptions that the Dental Practice has to take into account before deciding what information can be released.
The Freedom of Information Act does not change the right of patients to protection of their patient confidentiality in accordance with Article 8 of the Human Rights Convention, the Data Protection Act and at common law. Maintaining the right to patient confidentiality continues to be an important commitment on our part. This Publication Scheme aims to make as much information about Specialist Endodontic Centre available as possible, on a continuous basis. We will continue to add to the information here proactively and regularly.
PART THREE Useful Resources
- www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk
- www.lcd.gov.uk
- www.foi-uk.org
- www.dentalcomplaints.org.ukwww.hmso.gov.uk/guides.htm
Specialist Endodontic Centre
©Apolline Ltd
Freedom of Information Protocol Revision Date : 07.06.17 v4.0 Status : Live Box/Practice Resources